Enrolment options

The course will enable EVCs to plan and manage their schools’ educational visits and off-site activities in line with National Guidance and current good practice, and thus help fulfil their Health & Safety obligations.


This course is aimed at new and existing EVCs in all schools (maintained, Independent Schools, Foundation Schools, and Academies) in England and Wales where the employer has agreed that this is suitable.

Although many of the subjects are transferable, this course is not aimed at FE and HE settings. 


Enhanced knowledge and understanding about the effective supervision of young people taking part in off-site activities and visits
Greater confidence and ability to act as the Education Visit Co-ordinator
Increased competence in risk assessing and managing risks on off-site visits


This course aims to equip staff with the key requirements to become a competent Educational Visit Co-ordinator. The course outlines key considerations in planning an educational visit, updating participants with current good practice in the supervision of young people.

The course provides training in strategies used for risk management and risk assessment off-site, and will include sessions on:

  • Planning
  • Risk management
  • Competence
  • Supervision
  • Guidance
  • Best Practice
  • Legal issues

Educational Visits Subscribers

If you have an Educational Visits Subscription, you can now book any of our open EVC and EVC update courses online using the code provided for free access.  Other users will be charged the full price of the course.  

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