Enrolment options

£195.00 + VAT per delegate without a subscription

Course description

The Safer Recruitment course covers the key requirements of the Statutory Guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education focusing particularly on:

• Identifying abuse and recognising offender behaviour
• Safer recruitment practices
• Creating a safe environment and culture
• Dealing with allegations against adults working in educational establishment

Since 2010, it has been mandatory in maintained schools and advisory in academies for recruitment panels to have at least one member who has completed appropriate Safer Recruitment Training.

This course includes a graded Assessment on understanding of the issues covered.

Purchasing a Subscription

This course is included within the Juniper MIS & Finance CPD package subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.

Find out more about our great value subscription here

Purchasing a Single Course

Access is for 12 months for 1 named delegate. 

Click 'Enrol me' and your order will be processed. If you have not completed the form above to state otherwise, the course will appear on your account.

You will automatically be invoiced for access to this course.

Please ensure that you have received permission from your establishment to enrol onto this course. 
You have agreed to Juniper terms and conditions when registering for this website.  You can review these at any time within your account profile. 

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