£150.00 + VAT per delegate without a subscription
Course Description
The School Assessment Leaders (SALs) Update Meetings are focused on both the assessment of learning and assessment for learning.The first focus ensures that SALs are as up-to-date as possible in their knowledge and understanding of statutory assessment requirements. As well as disseminating this information the Course Tutors will provide the names of useful publications and websites to support delegates. Course Tutors also encourage delegates to ask questions and discuss current issues so that they can return to their schools as fully informed as possible.
The second focus on assessment for learning will include sharing of latest research, presentation of case studies and often the invitation to course delegates to share and discuss with their colleagues. This last aspect is regarded as particularly valuable as a networking tool that enables delegates to develop their assessment skills in a very supportive environment.
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for 1 named delegate.
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