Available courses
Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this course you will learn about developing fluency at every stage of a pupil's reading journey.We will look briefly at some of the research into reading fluency, the importance of which is highlighted in The Reading Framework (July 2023), and explore what is meant by ‘fluent’ reading. We will examine the impact of fluency on reading comprehension skills and explore a range of practical ideas aimed at ensuring pupils across the key stages are given the support they need in order to be able to read confidently and fluently.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn about developing fluency and automaticity during the early stages of writing.Recent reports from Ofsted (Ofsted English Report and Ofsted English Research Review) highlight the importance of fluent transcription skills as a building blog for more complex writing challenges. During their inspections they often observe pupils’ who are being expected to complete writing tasks without the skills needed to do so.
In this webinar we explore a range of strategies and ideas aimed at putting the necessary foundations in place. This will include a focus on:
- handwriting
- spelling
- sentence writing skills.
Although primarily aimed at YR and KS1 this course may also be useful to those leading on English or who are supporting pupils who are working below age related expectations in writing in KS2.
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
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Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn how to support pupils in becoming confident and fluent readers. The content of the course included:- word reading
- comprehension skills
- fluency
- developing independence
A range of strategies and practical ideas for teaching will be explored.
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
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Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn about supporting pupils with their writing skills. This course will equip you with a range of ideas and strategies for supporting pupils with the different elements of the writing process. These include:- composition
- handwriting
- spelling
- grammar and punctuation.
During the session we will explore these elements and the difficulties some children experience with them. We will consider strategies for helping pupils to overcome or, where appropriate, bypass these difficulties. Throughout the session a range of practical ideas will be shared.
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this popular course for teachers and support staff you will learn the basics of teaching phonics. This content includes:- terminology
- enunciation
- progression
- blending and segmenting
- ideas for teaching
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
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Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn about using poetry in the classroom in a range of different ways.The Ofsted Inspection Framework states that: In reaching an evaluation against the ‘quality of education’ judgement, inspectors will consider whether stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction are chosen for reading to develop pupils’ vocabulary, language comprehension and love of reading. In this session we explore a range of ways in which poetry can be used within the primary classroom, These include:
- As part of your read aloud programme
- As a tool for developing reading fluency
- To meet NC objective on preparing poems to read aloud and recognising a range of poetic forms
- To develop a sense of rhyme and rhythm
- To extend pupils’ vocabulary and knowledge of literary techniques such as similes, metaphors and personification
- To encourage a love of reading
- As a vehicle for writing
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
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Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
This course focuses on ensuring that our pupils get off to the best possible start on the journey to becoming competent and confident readers.Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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You have agreed to Juniper terms and conditions when registering for this website. You can review these at any time within your account profile.
Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn about the main elements of the grammar and punctuation strands of the National Curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6. It will give teachers and support staff an overview of content and progression within this area of learning.This course which is relevant to both teachers and teaching assistants aims to:
- develop grammar subject knowledge
- ensure participants are fully aware of the programmes of study for teaching grammar
- provide suggestions of practical activities which can be used with learners in the classroom
This content of the course includes:
- Word classes
- Punctuation
- Verb forms, tense and consistency
- Combining words and sentences
- Vocabulary
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
Developing fluent, neat handwriting is a requirement of the national curriculum and a particular focus in many recent OFSTED inspections. This course will present a range of ideas and activities to help you to teach the art of handwriting well across Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Handwriting plays an important part in the transcription element of writing. Ofsted's English Research review (May 2022) emphasised the importance of fluent transcription being in place by the end of lower KS2 in order for older pupils to be able to focus on the content of their writing.
This course will provide you with a range of ideas and activities for teaching handwriting, beginning with gross and fine motor skills and then looking at ways to develop a neat and fluent script.
The information will be suitable for any teachers who wish to improve the presentation skills of their pupils.
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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You will automatically be invoiced for access to this course.
Please ensure that you have received permission from your establishment to enrol onto this course.
You have agreed to Juniper terms and conditions when registering for this website. You can review these at any time within your account profile.
Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In order to ensure that pupils master the patterns, rules and exceptions in our language spelling needs to be taught in a systematic, effective and engaging way. This course will help teachers to achieve that.The effective teaching of spelling involves the teaching of strategies and rules, rather than just lists of words. This training explores the use of a range of spelling strategies including:
- Ongoing application of phonics knowledge and skills
- Learning and applying rules
- Analogy
- Look, say, cover, write, check
- Using morphology
The training also emphasises the need to revisit and build on prior learning - a key aspect of the Ofsted Inspection framework. Following the section on spelling strategies a possible teaching sequence is explored. The final part of the session focuses on marking and feedback and on assessment.
A range of practical ideas are threaded through the course with the aim of making the teaching of spelling both effective and fun.
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn about the importance of developing spoken language within the classroom.Drawing on recent research and reports, in this webinar we explore a range of ideas for developing these crucial spoken language skills within the primary classroom. Course content includes:
- recent research and reports
- the importance of spoken language
- classroom strategies encouraging talk
- using drama
- using the arts
- discussions and debates
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
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Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn about teaching whole class reading. Different models of whole class reading will be explored along with a look at key reading skills. A range of practical ideas and strategies will be considered along with the different ways in which text, or other information sources, can be accessed.Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
Then click 'Enrol Me' and your order will be processed
You will automatically be invoiced for access to this course.
Please ensure that you have received permission from your establishment to enrol onto this course.
You have agreed to Juniper terms and conditions when registering for this website. You can review these at any time within your account profile.
Number of topics: 6
£150.00 + VAT per school without a subscription
Course Description
In this training you will learn about inspiring pupils to write. A range of practical ideas for encouraging pupils to write in a range of genres and for a variety of audiences are explored. We consider how we can inspire and motivate pupils to write to the best of their ability and in a way which will engage their audience. We will also examine the role of choice and the importance of providing opportunities for pupils to write freely.The session will cover fiction, non fiction and poetry writing.
Purchasing a Subscription
This course is included within the Teaching and Assessment CPD subscription which provides access to the content your whole school.
Purchasing a Single Course
Access is for 12 months for your whole school/establishment.
Then click 'Enrol Me' and your order will be processed
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Please ensure that you have received permission from your establishment to enrol onto this course.
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